McBride Charles Ryan created a house that resembles a letterbox in the front and continues to unfurl into a gorgeous open verandah in the back. The whole concept revolves around the Australian double need to be inside as well as outside. It expresses the natural feeling of a canyon and all the senses it can awake: the sweet smell of a fresh breeze, the clear sky on a sunny day, the windy feeling on your skin. All these senses bring a new dimension in architecture and surprise the people living in this home with gradual love towards the design. Gold on the outside, it almost feels like this home has grown from the owners love for the beach.

This residential building built on a modest suburban beach home scale tells the story of a holiday home opened to guests from all angles. There is no front door in the classic sense but there is the feeling of an open space that invites you to enjoy the golden sunstroke exterior as well as the modern and inviting interior. There is one wall inside that captures the joy of living in this unusual home: the red wall. This will be the creator of a family history. All the shelves have been constructed by keeping in mind the idea of gathering brick-a-bracs from the beach and weaving them into your memories. Together with the sandy open space that surrounds the house, all the subtle reminders of the beach put you in a relaxed mood and help the flow of creativity to run through the building as does the breeze.