Beautiful Kitchens From Bravo

Bravo is an Italian company that specializes in creating high-quality, perfectly crafted kitchens.

One of their most interesting kitchen collections is this, The High Cube.

high cube kitchen bravo kitchen

At Bravo they have put their heart and soul into every unit, wall and worktop resulting in a luxurious and glamorous end product.

The look of the collection is based around minimalist lines, smooth textures, shiny and matte surfaces, clean shapes and block tones of black, white, cream and grey.

The surfaces of the High Cube are made from natural solid Samarcanda stone so they will be incredibly durable and will stay looking in top top condition for a lot longer than a kitchen worktop made from a man made material.

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Also worth noting in this particular photo below is the luscious high gloss of the pale wall mounted cabinet which is in complete contrast with the matte, dark finish of the kitchen worktops and cupboards.

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In this next picture below you can see the true depth of the kitchen units which Bravo says gives the owner a huge bonus. According to the company website High Cube units are 75cm deep which is considerably deeper than your average kitchen unit from highstreet stores. This extra depth means the user has more worktop space and storage room too!

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coompax-digital magazine